Netflix is a popular OTT (over-the-top) content platform and production company. The headquarters of Netflix is established in Los Gatos, California. Netflix is a publicly traded company and is listed at NASDAQ with stock name NFLX. Mr. Wilmot Reed Hastings is one of the founders of Netflix. He is also the Chairman and co-CEO of the company.
Apart from Netflix, he is also the acting member of board for several organizations like in past, he served as member of board of Microsoft for the period of 2007 to 2012. Mr. Hastings was born in Boston, Massachusetts in the year 1960. He resides with his family in Santa Cruz, California. Are you looking for Mr. Hastings salary and net worth? If yes, in this section you can find Mr. Hastings financial credentials and contact details like mailing address, email and more. So, let’s see!

Mailing Address and Phone Number
If you wish to contact Mr. Hastings you can contact him at Netflix Headquarters. Here is the complete mailing address of Netflix headquarters: 100 Winchester Circle, Los Gatos CA 95032, USA. You can share your mails, messages and other important official correspondence at the given mailing address of Netflix Headquarters.
To get in touch with Mr. Hastings, you can also call at the Corporate Phone Line; please not down the phone number: 1-408-540-3700.
Email Address
To share your message or request, you can also send him an email. Please note down the official email address of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings: You can also try an alternate email address:
The total compensation received by Mr. Reed Hastings for handling the post of President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board at Netflix is $38,577,129. The total compensation includes salary amount $700,000, stock options worth value $37,411,492 and other types of compensation value $465,637. The info mentioned her is based on the data filed for the year 2019.
Net Worth
The total Net Worth of Mr. Reed Hastings is approximately $189 Million dollars. This info is based on the updated data filed as on date as of 21 December 2020.
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About his educational background, Mr. Hastings did his graduation (BA in Maths) from Bowdoin College and his MS from Stanford University. His primary education was at Browne & Nichols School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.