John Deere is a tractor manufacturer company, headquartered in Moline, Illinois. The company is listed on the NYSE with ticker name DE. John C. May is heading the company as the chief executive officer since Nov 2019. The company is engaged in the business of manufactures agricultural, construction, and forestry machinery. They have more than 74,412 employees in 2018.
So, let’s see information on John Deere Board of Directors Compensation and Salary.

John Deere Board of Directors Compensation and Salary 2019
Vance D. Coffman – former chairman of the board
This board member is the former chairman of the board. This board member earned total compensation US$342,369, cash paid US$182,500, and stock awards US$159,869.
Alan C. Heuberger – Senior Manager, BMGI
This board member is the Senior Manager, BMGI. This board member earned total compensation US$293,202, cash paid US$133,333, and stock awards US$159,869.
Charles O. Holliday, Jr. – Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
This board member is the Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc. This board member earned total compensation US$293,202, cash paid US$133,333, and stock awards US$159,869.
Dipak C. Jain – President
This board member is the President. This board member earned total compensation US$340,154, cash paid US$133,333, Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings US$46,952, and stock awards US$159,869.
Michael O. Johanns – former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
This board member is the former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. This board member earned total compensation US$3293,202, cash paid US$133,333, and stock awards US$159,869.
Clayton M. Jones – Retired Chairman
This board member is the Retired Chairman. This board member earned total compensation US$308,202, cash paid US$148,333, and stock awards US$159,869.
Gregory R. Page – Retired Executive Director
This board member is the Retired Executive Director. This board member earned total compensation US$308,718, cash paid US$148,333, Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings US$516, and stock awards US$159,869.
Sherry M. Smith – Former Executive Vice President
This board member is the Former Executive Vice President. This board member earned total compensation US$319,638, cash paid US$158,333, Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings US$1,436, and stock awards US$159,869.
Dmitri L. Stockton – Special Advisor to Chairman
This board member is the Special Advisor to Chairman. This board member earned total compensation US$293,202, cash paid US$133,333, and stock awards US$159,869.
Sheila G. Talton – President and Chief Executive Officer
This board member is the President and Chief Executive Officer. This board member earned total compensation US$293,202, cash paid US$133,333, and stock awards US$159,869.