Uber is leading transportation company that offers vehicles on rent. Uber headquarters is located in San Francisco. Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi is currently handling the position of Company’s CEO. Prior to Uber, he served at Expedia Group. His previous work experience also includes his work as an analyst at Allen & Company and in different senior roles at Barry Diller and IAC.
Mr. Khosrowshahi was one of the highest paid CEO’s in the history of travel industry. He is also been acknowledged with the title and award of Pacific Northwest Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young. Looking for his salary and Net worth? In this section. we have provided the contact information about Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi like his email, phone number, mailing address along with the info of his salary, net worth and more.

Email Address
For contacting Uber Technologies CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, we have provided the details of his official email address here. You can forward your important matters or concerns that require his discretion at his Email Address, please note it down: Dara_khosrowshahi@uber.com
Mailing Address and Phone Number
You can also contact Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi at his office address. In this section, we have provided the complete mailing address details of Uber Technologies Headquarters.
You can share your letters, suggestions or other important documents with Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi at given headquarters mailing address: 1455 Market Street Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103 United States.
To get a prompt respond for your urgent concerns or to send your message to Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi, you can also call at the official phone line given here, please note it down: 1-415-801-4068.
Total compensation received by Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi as Uber Technoligies CEO and Director is $42,428,233.
This total compensation includes salary amount of $1,000,000, bonus value $2,000,000, awarded stock value $37,434,334 and amount received as other types of compensation $1,993,899. Please note the given info is based on the data filed as of year 2019.
Net Worth
The total net worth of Mr. Dara Khosrowshahi is about $200 million dollars. This also includes an annual base salary of $6.7 million.
About Uber
Along with vehicles on hire,Uber Technologies also offers delivery services like food delivery under name Uber Eats, package delivery, courier services and freight transportation. The brand is quite popular and its services and operations can be seen in about 900 metropolitan locations across the globe.