October 29, 2024

Aflac CEO Dan Amos Email Address, Salary, and Net Worth

Aflac  or as it is known with its full name American Family Life Assurance Company is a trusted and leading insurance company based out of US. The company offers a wide range of insurance covers and other financial services. Mr. Dan Amos is the current CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the company.  Mr. Amos started his journey with Aflac in the year 1973 as Sales person. He was one of the best sales persons in the company.

He spent almost ten years of his career in Sales with Aflac and then he was appointed as President of the company in the year 1983. In the year 1990 he was appointed as company’s CEO. Currently he is handling the role of Chairman and CEO of the company. If you are looking for Mr. Amos salary and net worth, we have the details for you, please continue reading. Further more in this section we have provided contact details about Mr. Dan Amos like his mailing address, email address and more.

Dan Amos
Dan Amos, Photo Credit: Money Inc

Mailing Address and Phone Number

Here in this section we have provided the mailing address of Aflac CEO and Chairman Mr. Dan Amos Office, please note down the details: Aflac Worldwide Headquarters, 1932 Wynnton Road, Columbus, Georgia 31999. You can use the given address as mailing address for Mr. Amos.

You can use above address for sharing your mails Mr. Amos. You may also get in touch with him on company’s corporate phone, please take a note of corporate office phone number: (706)323-3431.


The total compensation received by Mr. Dan Amos as company’s CEO, Chairman and President is approximately $14,108,852. Let’s move to the breakup of this total compensation, so out of  this total $1,441,100 is the salary, $4,002,594 is bonus, $8,272,062 is awarded as stock and $393,096 as other types of compensation. The info given here is based on data filed for the year 2019.

Email Address

To get in touch with CEO Mr. Dan Amos, you may share your concerns through email on his official email address. Please take a note of the Email Id: damos@aflac.com.

Read Also: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance CEO Roger W. Crandall Email Address

Net Worth

The total Net Worth of Mr. Dan Amos is approximately $19.2 Million dollars as per the data filed for the year 2018.


Pooja loves to write about board of directors and their salary, compensation, responsibilities, power, etc. She is very enthusiastic about this work and topic.

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