March 11, 2025

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Email Address, Salary, Mailing Address and Net Worth

Microsoft Corporation is a world famous multinational technology company. The company headquarters is located in Redmond, Washington, United States. The company is currently under successful execution of Mr. Satya Narayana Nadella. He became the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Microsoft Corporation in the year 2014.

Before the post of CEO of the company, Satya Nadella held many senior positions within the organization like, he was serving Microsoft Corporation a President of Server and Tools Division for three years i.e. from 2011 to 2014. He also served as Senior Vice President of Research and Development Division. He is one of the finest paid CEO’s in the world. Are you thinking about his Net Worth? If yes, you are at the right pages. You can refer this article if you are looking for Satya Nadella’s Net Worth, Salary, personal mailing address and his official email address. Let’s get to the details!

Satya Nadella
Satya Nadella

CEO Email Address

In this section we have provided the official Email Address of CEO Satya Nadella, please note it down: If you are trying to approach him for some urgent matter, you can send him your request through this email address.

Please avoid this email address for general enquiries and information about company’s products. Only important and high priority mails will be addressed on this email address.

CEO Mailing Address and Phone Number

As of now we do not have CEO Satya Nadella personal address information, but you can send your important matters through mail at Microsoft Office Headquarters. Please feel free to send your mails or correspondence addressing to Mr. Satya Nadella at the given address, here is the mailing address info you can use: 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA, 98052, USA.

Net Worth

Mr. Satya Nadella is one of the highest paid CEO’s in the Information Technology Industry. His approximate net worth is about $517 Million dollars. This is as per the latest financial data as of 2 March 2020.

Mr. Nadella owns about 280,174 Microsoft stock units with value of $292,094,724. Over this amount he also receives compensation of $42,910,200 for serving as Microsoft Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


Coming to Mr. Satya Nadella’s salary, so as the Director and CEO of the company, he receives total compensation of approximately $42.9 million. An approximate breakup of his salary suggests that out of this total compensation, he receives a base salary of more than $2.3 million. Over this base salary he gets a major portion of this total compensation in form of Stock options or awards.

Article first published on November 21, 2020.


Pooja loves to write about board of directors and their salary, compensation, responsibilities, power, etc. She is very enthusiastic about this work and topic.

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