Publix Super Markets is a supermarket chain company, headquartered in Lakeland, Florida. Todd Jones is heading the company as the chief executive officer since Apr 2016. The company is engaged in the business of dairy products, meats, seafood, baked and goods. They have more than 197,000 employees in 2019.
So, let’s see information on Publix Super Markets Board of Directors Compensation and Salary.

Publix Super Markets Board of Directors Compensation and Salary 2018
Jessica L. Blume
This board member was paid total compensation US$108,050 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$108,050.
William E. Crenshaw – Former CEO of Publix Super Markets Inc.
This board of director is the Former CEO of Publix Super Markets Inc.. This board member was paid total compensation US$76,000 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$76,000.
Jane B. Finley
This board member was paid total compensation US$103,900 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$103,900.
G. Thomas Hough – Vice President, Parthenon Capital LLC
This board of director is the Vice President, Parthenon Capital LLC. This board member was paid total compensation US$96,100 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$96,100.
Charles H. Jenkins, Jr.
This board member was paid total compensation US$76,000 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$76,000.
Stephen M. Knopik – Chairman, Beall’s Inc
This board of director is the Chairman, Beall’s Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$112,700 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$112,700.