Levi Strauss is an American clothing company, headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States. The company is listed on the NYSE with ticker name LEVI. Charles V. Bergh is heading the company as the chief executive officer since Sep 2011. The company is engaged in the business of producing Jeans. They have more than 15,100 employees in 2018.
So, let’s see information on Levi Strauss Board of Directors Compensation and Salary.

Levi Strauss Board of Directors Compensation and Salary 2020
Stephen C. Neal
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$143,383, stock awards US$254,988, all other compensation US$14,732 and the total comes to US$413,103.
Troy Alstead
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$80,000, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$9,873 and the total comes to US$244,863
Jill Beraud
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$66,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$5,333 and the total comes to US$226,990
Robert A. Eckert
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$80,000, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$25,702 and the total comes to US$260,692
Spencer Fleischer
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$76,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$20,757 and the total comes to US$252,414
David A. Friedman
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$66,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$2,520 and the total comes to US$224,177
Yael Garten
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$58,334, stock awards US$220,079, all other compensation US$513 and the total comes to US$278,926
Christopher J. McCormick
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$66,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$4,820 and the total comes to US$226,477
Jenny Ming
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$66,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$13,758 and the total comes to US$235,415
Patricia Salas Pineda
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$66,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$16,470 and the total comes to US$238,127
Joshua E. Prime
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$66,667, stock awards US$154,990, all other compensation US$1,104 and the total comes to US$222,761
Elliott Rodgers
This board member was paid in cash (fees earned) US$0, stock awards US$0, all other compensation US$0 and the total comes to US$0 (no compensation paid).