Laboratory Corp. of America is a Testing laboratories company, headquartered in Burlington, North Carolina. The company is listed on the NYSE with ticker name LH. Adam H. Schechter is heading the company as the chief executive officer since 2019. The company is engaged in the business of Clinical laboratory. They have more than 61,000 employees in 2018.
So, let’s see information on Laboratory Corp. of America Board of Directors Compensation and Salary.
Laboratory Corp. of America Board of Directors Compensation and Salary 2019
Kerrii B. Anderson – Chief Executive Officer of Wendy’s International, Inc.
This board member is the Chief Executive Officer of Wendy’s International, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$314,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$135,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
Jean-Luc Bélingard – Operating Advisor to Clayton
This board member is the Operating Advisor to Clayton. This board member was paid total compensation US$289,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$110,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
Jeffrey A. Davis – Chief Financial Officer of Qurate Retail Group
This board member is the Chief Financial Officer of Qurate Retail Group. This board member was paid total compensation US$39,126 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$9,266, and restricted stock units awards US$29,860.
D. Gary Gilliland – President and Director Emeritus of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA
This board member is the President and Director Emeritus of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA. This board member was paid total compensation US$289,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$110,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
Garheng Kong – managing partner of HealthQuest Capital
This board member is the managing partner of HealthQuest Capital. This board member was paid total compensation US$309,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$130,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
Robert E. Mittelstaedt, Jr. – Dean and professor of the W. P. Carvey School of Business, Arizona State University
This board member is the Dean and professor of the W. P. Carvey School of Business, Arizona State University. This board member was paid total compensation US$84,143 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$39,286, and restricted stock units awards US$44,857.
Peter M. Neupert – Operating Partner at Health Evolution Partners
This board member is the Operating Partner at Health Evolution Partners. This board member was paid total compensation US$327,366 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$147,500, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
Richelle P. Parham – Managing Director of WestRiver Group
This board member is the Managing Director of WestRiver Group. This board member was paid total compensation US$289,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$110,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
Adam H. Schechter – Executive Vice President of Merck & Co., Inc.
This board member is the Executive Vice President of Merck & Co., Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$284,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$105,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.
R. Sanders Williams – President Emeritus of The J. David Gladstone Institutes
This board member is the President Emeritus of The J. David Gladstone Institutes. This board member was paid total compensation US$304,866 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$125,000, and restricted stock units awards US$179,866.