March 11, 2025

Group 1 Automotive Board of Directors Compensation and Salary

Group 1 Automotive is a Car dealership company, headquartered in Houston, Texas. The company is listed on the NYSE with ticker name GPI. Earl J. Hesterberg Jr. is heading the company as the chief executive officer since 9 Apr 2005. The company is engaged in the business of service, repair and Automotive sales. They have more than 14,200 employees in 2017.

So, let’s see information onĀ Group 1 Automotive Board of Directors Compensation and Salary.

Group 1 Automotive Board of Directors Compensation and Salary 2019

John L. Adams – Former Senior VP/CIO, Bankwell Financial Group Inc

This board member is the Former Senior VP/CIO, Bankwell Financial Group Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$392,636 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$52,500, stock awards US$189,997, Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deffered Compensation Earnings US$130,888 and all other compensation US$19,248.

Carin M. Barth – Co-founder and President, LB Capital, Inc.

This board member is the Co-founder and President, LB Capital, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$279,102 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$71,503, stock awards US$189,997, Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deffered Compensation Earnings US$2, and all other compensation US$17,600.

Stephen D. Quinn – Non-Executive Chairman, Group 1 Automotive, Inc.

This board member is the Non-Executive Chairman, Group 1 Automotive, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$364,100 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$156,503, stock awards US$189,997, and all other compensation US$17,600.

Steven P. Stanbrook – Retired Chief Operating Officer, International Markets, S.C. Johnson, Inc.

This board member is the Retired Chief Operating Officer, International Markets, S.C. Johnson, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$96,693 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$17,135, stock awards US$72,862, and all other compensation US$6,696.

J. Terry Strange

This board member was paid total compensation US$252,914 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$32,503, stock awards US$189,997, Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deffered Compensation Earnings US$21,614 and all other compensation US$8,800.

Charles L. Szews – Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Oshkosh Corporation

This board member is the Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Oshkosh Corporation. This board member was paid total compensation US$261,600 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$54,003, stock awards US$189,997, and all other compensation US$17,600.

Anne Taylor – Retired Managing Partner & Vice Chairman, Deloitte Services LP

This board member is the Retired Managing Partner & Vice Chairman, Deloitte Services LP. This board member was paid total compensation US$252,600 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$45,003, stock awards US$189,997, and all other compensation US$17,600.

Max P. Watson, Jr. – Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, BMC Software, Inc.

This board member is the Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, BMC Software, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$267,600 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$60,003, stock awards US$189,997, and all other compensation US$17,600.

MaryAnn Wright – Group Vice President Engineering and Product Development, Johnson Controls, Inc.

This board member is the Group Vice President Engineering and Product Development, Johnson Controls, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$252,608 including base salary (cash fees paid) US$45,003, stock awards US$189,997, Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deffered Compensation Earnings US$8 and all other compensation US$17,600.


Pooja loves to write about board of directors and their salary, compensation, responsibilities, power, etc. She is very enthusiastic about this work and topic.

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