Berkshire Hathaway is a large American holding company, headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. The company is lead by world famous investment Guru Warren Buffett who owns 30.71% voting power and 16.45% economic interest. He is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Berkshire Hathaway since 1970. This shows trust of shareholders and other board members in him. Berkshire Hathaway stock is also one of the most expensive stocks in the US. If you are a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, you can also share your opinion on phone number here.
Warren Buffett investment tips are considered most trusted among the investment hungry people around the world. Berkshire Hathaway grown much under his leadership and guidance. Let’s see board of directors salary and compensation who are working at Berkshire Hathaway.

Berkshire Hathaway Board of Directors Compensations and Salary 2018
The following salary, bonus and total compensation information is obtained from SEC filing by the company.
Howard G. Buffett – American businessman, and philanthropist
This board member received US$3,300 as a total compensation.
Stephen B. Burke – Senior Executive Vice President of Comcast
This board member received US$3,300 as a total compensation.
Susan L. Decker – President of Yahoo! Inc (2007 – 2008)
This board member received US$7,300 as a total compensation.
William H. Gates III – Co-founder of Microsoft Corporation
This board member received US$3,300 as a total compensation.
David S. Gottesman – Founder of First Manhattan Co.
This board member received US$3,300 as a total compensation.
Charlotte Guyman – Adviser to Cameoworks and BoardReady
This board member received US$7,300 as a total compensation.
Thomas S. Murphy – Former CEO of Capital Cities / ABC, Inc.
This board member received US$7,300 as a total compensation.
Ronald L. Olson – Partner in the Los Angeles office of Munger Tolles & Olson LLP
This board member received US$3,300 as a total compensation.
Walter Scott, Jr. – Former CEO of Peter Kiewit Sons’ Inc.
This board member received US$3,300 as a total compensation.
Meryl B. Witmer – Founder of Eagle Value Partners LLC
This board member received US$7,300 as a total compensation.
Related Article: CitiGroup Board of Directors Compensation
Article last re-published on December 17, 2020.