AECOM is a multinational engineering firm company, headquartered in Los Angeles, California, United States. The company is listed on the NYSE with ticker name ACM. W. Troy Rudd is heading the company as the chief executive officer since 15 Aug 2020. The company is engaged in the business of Building design Construction management, and Architectural engineering. They have more than 54,000 employees in 2020.
So, let’s see information on AECOM Board of Directors Compensation and Salary.

AECOM Board of Directors Compensation and Salary 2019
James H. Fordyce – Board Member, Imperatis Corp
This board member is the Board Member, Imperatis Corp. This board member was paid total compensation US$347,892 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$169,500, stock awards US$160,025, Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings US$13,367, and all other compensation US$5,000.
Senator William H. Frist – United States Senator from Tennessee
This board member is the United States Senator from Tennessee. This board member was paid total compensation US$285,906 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$121,500, stock awards US$160,025, Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings US$4,381 and all other compensation US$0.
Linda Griego – interim president and chief executive officer of the Los Angeles Community Development Bank
This board member is the interim president and chief executive officer of the Los Angeles Community Development Bank. This board member was paid total compensation US$297,275 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$129,500, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$7,750.
Steven A. Kandarian – Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of MetLife, Inc.
This board member is the Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of MetLife, Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$229,108 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$69,083, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$0.
Dr. Robert J. Routs – Chairman of Shell Canada
This board member is the Chairman of Shell Canada. This board member was paid total compensation US$289,525 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$129,500, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$0.
Clarence T. Schmitz – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Jefferies Group Inc.
This board member is the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Jefferies Group Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$298,525 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$134,500, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$4,000.
Douglas W. Stotlar – President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Con-way Inc.
This board member is the President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Con-way Inc. This board member was paid total compensation US$291,525 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$121,500, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$10,000.
Daniel R. Tishman – Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Construction
This board member is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Construction. This board member was paid total compensation US$269,525 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$109,500, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$0.
General Janet C. Wolfenbarger. – Retired General Janet C. Wolfenbarger, USAF
This board member is the Retired General Janet C. Wolfenbarger, USAF. This board member was paid total compensation US$289,025 including base salary (fees paid in cash) US$119,000, stock awards US$160,025 and all other compensation US$10,000.