September 8, 2024
HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare Board of Directors Total Compensation and Salary

HCA Healthcare is a large American healthcare facilities company, listed on the NYSE. The company is headquartered in Nashville, TN, USA. The company offer various medical and healthcare facilities to the people in the US.

In this article, we have provided salary and total compensation information of HCA Healthcare Board of Directors and Salary. So, let’s see!

HCA Healthcare
HCA Healthcare

HCA Board of Directors Compensation 2018 / Salary in 2018

Robert J. Dennis – President and Chief Executive Officer

This board member earned US$298,526 as total compensation including cash salary US$123,571, and stock awards US$174,955.

Nancy-Ann DeParle – Partner and co-founder of Consonance Capital Partners

This board member earned US$298,526 as total compensation including cash salary US$123,571, and stock awards US$174,955.

Thomas F. Frist III – Principal of Frist Capital LLC

This board member earned US$299,241 as total compensation including cash salary US$124,286, and stock awards US$174,955.

William R. Frist – Principal of Frist Capital LLC

This board member earned US$291,741 as total compensation including cash salary US$116,786, and stock awards US$174,955.

Charles O. Holliday, Jr. – Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell plc

This board member earned US$344,062 as total compensation including cash salary US$169,107, and stock awards US$174,955.

Ann H. Lamont –  American venture capitalist

This board member earned US$309,241 as total compensation including cash salary US$134,286, and stock awards US$174,955.

Jay O. Light – American academic administrator and corporate director

This board member earned US$ 53,036 as total compensation including cash salary US$ 53,036.

Geoffrey G. Meyers – Director of PharMerica Corporation

This board member earned US$321,741 as total compensation including cash salary US$146,786, and stock awards US$174,955.

Michael W. Michelson – Retired Senior Advisory Partner, KKR Management LLC, the general partner of KKR & Co. L.P.

This board member earned US$349,033 as total compensation including cash salary US$126,230, and stock awards US$222,803.

Wayne J. Riley, M.D. – President of The State University of New York (SUNY)

This board member earned US$324,241 as total compensation including cash salary US$149,286, and stock awards US$174,955.

John W. Rowe, M.D. –  Chairman and CEO of Aetna Inc.

This board member earned US$298,526 as total compensation including cash salary US$123,571, and stock awards US$174,955.

HCA Executive Salaries 2019 / Compensation and Pay 2019

R. Milton Johnson – Former Chairman and Executive Advisor

This executive earned US$3,777,878 as total compensation including base salary (paid in cash) US$2,766,871, equity awards US$749,951, and all other compensation US$261,056.

Jon M. Foster – President – American Group

This executive earned US$4,353,542 as total compensation including base salary (paid in cash) US$1,985,732, equity awards US$2,313,773, and all other compensation US$54,037.

Charles J. Hall – President – National Group

This executive earned US$4,742,962 as total compensation including base salary (paid in cash) US$2,376,152, equity awards US$2,313,773, and all other compensation US$53,037.

Jonathan B. Perlin M.D. – President – Clinical Services Group and Chief Medical Officer

This executive earned US$3,588,875 as total compensation including base salary (paid in cash) US$2,066,514, equity awards US$1,472,858, and all other compensation US$49,503.

William B. Rutherford – Executive Vice and Chief Financial Officer

This executive earned US$6,323,179 as total compensation including base salary (paid in cash) US$2,743,295, equity awards US$3,259,794, and all other compensation US$320,090.

Read Related Article: Pfizer Board of Directors Total Compensation

Article Title: HCA Healthcare Board of Directors Total Compensation and Executives Salary
Article first published on October 1, 2020.


Pooja loves to write about board of directors and their salary, compensation, responsibilities, power, etc. She is very enthusiastic about this work and topic.

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